EyeSmarty Reports

EyeSmarty Reports among project dashboard let you keep an eye on your projects and teams that are working on them.

Project Management Reports - Calculate and view project wise member(s) or worker(s) time reports.
Members Report - Calculate and view project wise member(s) or worker(s) overall time report.
Project progress tracker allows you to check the current status of any project via project status reports.
Time Sheet - Calculate and view project wise member(s) or worker(s) detailed time sheet.
Members Analytics - Measures and view productivity of your employees.
Budget Analytics - View overall and project wise budget report.

EyeSmarty contains project reporting tools that provides the best reporting service for all of your projects.

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Eyesmarty Reports

Project Budget Tracking

EyeSmarty's project budget management is the best at tracking your project's expenses, which is one of the most important aspects of making your budget work for you.

Calculate and view overall budget utilization.
Project cost management is done on the basis of project(s) work log.
For project budget tracking user can generate individual project’s budget utilization at any time.
User can compare actual cost with estimated cost of each project to increase productivity.
Project expense tracker enables you to compare actual cost with budgeted cost of each milestone.

Keeps track of your project cost.

Budget management

Performance Evaluation

Tracking Performance of your employees is one of the key factors in making your projects more efficient.

By using EyeSmarty’s performance management system user can calculate and generate detailed member/employee Performance report.
Productivity of your employees can be increased by manifolds.
User can place performance improvement plan and can improve performance calculating and generating their worker’s time report on the basis of their project(s), milestone(s) & task(s) at any time for better employee performance evaluation.
For better employee evaluation, user can calculate and generate overall time report for each employee working on a project.
Easily plan and track employee’s payment working on a project.
Prepare correct billable time estimates.

EyeSmarty is a performance monitoring software that keeps track of your projects and the teams working on it.

performance Evaluation

Time Sheets

EyeSmarty is such a wonderful time management app that keeps an eye on everything.

Start collecting data through reports in just a minute.
Time management software that identifies the average time your team is taking to complete tasks.
Check hourly based rates for each worker or member.
Generate invoice with just one click.
Time sheet app that Exports project reports in CSV or Excel format.

Offering the best reporting service for your projects.

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We provide a better way to manage your projects and monitor productivity of your workers.

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